Friday 25 April 2014

Tale of 4 Gamers pt.1


Well I’ve been invited to join a tale of 4 gamers for 40k, what the hell, I’ve always wanted Ellysians so may as well do them and take part in the tale, the only drawback is not having played 40K since the current edition came out 2 years ago means I have to learn the game as well.

I have played 40K for years, and had guard for much of that, but I have always wanted an Ellysan army since Forge World started making them a fair few years ago.

As I’ve chosen probably the most expensive way to collect an Imperial Guard force I will be taking a few liberties, rather than buying direct from Games Workshop I will be using e-bay and other trading sites like barter town as much as possible to try and save money, just using a combination of methods to clean the paint from 2nd hand minis.

Not including the Imperial Armour book and the Hardback Rulebook my first challenge is to buy, assemble and paint a 500 points force, so as they are Guard the first choice is pretty straight forward.  A HQ Squad, and an Infantry platoon.  At this point I should point out that I already have 3 Sentinels, 2 Valkyries and a Vulture Gunship, so I already have a good head start, but for the Infantry Platoons transports alone I would still need another 2 Valkyries.

There are laods of Cool minis for the Elysians, Tauros and Tauros Venator buggies, Drop Sentinals, Sky Tallons, and the ellysians themselves,  and then the Tarrentulas, Cyclops and Valkyries that are available to everyone .

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