Friday 25 April 2014

25/4/14 pt 3 Back story

As part of the Tale of Gamers we’ve been challenged to come up with our own fluff or back story.  I’ve not completed it but here’s what I have so far.

He stood there in the silent bay, outside you could here the sounds and vibrations coming through the metal walls but in here it was quiet, nothing moved.  The imperial navy had already prepped the drop ships and support and the tech priests had blessed all the vehicles, so now it was a time to wait, the rest of the regiment were in their quarters gambling most like, or finding some other way to relieve tensions, he had noticed that one of the areas of the bulk transporter had some less salubrious activity so there was a good bet that the les pious were off exploring ways to spend their wages.

The bay was cavernous, and contained everything that the regiment needed to fight a reasonable sized war.  The transports from the Imperial navy lined up with the exhaust ports and intakes covered with cloth and tied to the deck plate rings so they wouldn’t move about in transit, safety pins with red ribbon streamers hanging from parts that were locked in place. 

Across from the landers rank upon rank of Tauros Assault and scout vehicles and sentinel walkers were also secured to deck rings, and wire cages holding everything from Lasguns and charged energy packs to rations and spare clothing.  In this one giant room was everything that the regiment would need and in fact anything they would take with them when they dropped, he hoped they had not forgotten anything!

He knew that when he left the room there would be his aide and a Navy ensign who were going to tell him that the briefing was ready, he did not know where they were headed, or why or even when but one thing he knew, he was the commander of the best drop regiment Elysia had ever produced!

His regiment was made up of veterans, in reality they were drawn from 2 regiments that had been heavily involved in the Sabat worlds crusade, and a newly arrived company from Anaheim campaign.  They were all fit and tested troops, true there were a few that had grown tired of the life of A guardsman but no regiment was without them, but there was something strange about the new arrivals, they were slightly fitter, and generally all round better soldiers than he had ever seen before, which while refreshing was also slightly unnerving in its own way.

As he turned to leave the hanger, he thought to himself, whatever else happens the 10th/1st Elysian Drop Regiment would perform with professionalism and dedication to each other, the Elysia and the Golden Throne.

25/04/14 Loot

1st Delivery (possibly of many) just arrived, I ordered an elysian command HQ on the23rd, it looks like a good set, I’ve gotten enough for an officer like pose and a melta gunner plus 3 guardsmen with lasguns, I’d have liked some vox casters but beggars can’t be choosers.


I’ve still not decided exactly what is going into my army, but I know I’ll need at least 2 platoons and a company command squad, so starting there.  I will also need at least one new Valkyrie in the near future.

Tale of 4 Gamers pt.1


Well I’ve been invited to join a tale of 4 gamers for 40k, what the hell, I’ve always wanted Ellysians so may as well do them and take part in the tale, the only drawback is not having played 40K since the current edition came out 2 years ago means I have to learn the game as well.

I have played 40K for years, and had guard for much of that, but I have always wanted an Ellysan army since Forge World started making them a fair few years ago.

As I’ve chosen probably the most expensive way to collect an Imperial Guard force I will be taking a few liberties, rather than buying direct from Games Workshop I will be using e-bay and other trading sites like barter town as much as possible to try and save money, just using a combination of methods to clean the paint from 2nd hand minis.

Not including the Imperial Armour book and the Hardback Rulebook my first challenge is to buy, assemble and paint a 500 points force, so as they are Guard the first choice is pretty straight forward.  A HQ Squad, and an Infantry platoon.  At this point I should point out that I already have 3 Sentinels, 2 Valkyries and a Vulture Gunship, so I already have a good head start, but for the Infantry Platoons transports alone I would still need another 2 Valkyries.

There are laods of Cool minis for the Elysians, Tauros and Tauros Venator buggies, Drop Sentinals, Sky Tallons, and the ellysians themselves,  and then the Tarrentulas, Cyclops and Valkyries that are available to everyone .

Saturday 6 April 2013

Todays been busy, This morning I went to a wedding in a blue john mine, folowed by the reception in the afternoon and well into the evening, that on its own was a great day, catching up with family and their new additions, one of which is only a day old.

When I got back it was strait into the loft and dig out the airsoft gear.  This time I've decided to go with a look themed loosly around Op Banner, The british Involement in Northern Ireland.  I'm even going to take a dummy batten gun for some photos.

in that vain, wait out......
Well Well Well, another break in the blog posts.  Its pretty much down to the fact that I have not done anything of not for the last god knows how long, been too busy with college and the open university to even get on the xbox, let alone gor airsofting, wargaming etc.

Hopefully that will change for the next few months, I've broken the back of the college course, at the end of the Easter break will see the start of the final term!  I can tell you it hasn't felt like a year.

With the coursework slacking off, at least from college, I've been able to go top my first skirmish in 2 years, a relatively close site only 3 miles away, and right on the bus route to my old shop!  I've already been once, and hopefully by the end of next weekend I will have been 4 times, once last weekend 31st March, tomorrow, Sunday the 7th April, and an entire weekender next week the 13th & 14th.

The site is CIA Airsoft in chesterfield, and they are doing a great offer, hire 8 games and receive a Site membership and free AEG of your choice (from a list that includes M4, AK, G36 and my choice, the M14)

I'm pretty pleased with getting the chance to go airsofting again, I have missed it, but it also gives me some form of diversion from studying.

Any how, that what I've been doing,

Monday 28 January 2013

Another busy one ahead

Well, it looks set to be another busy year.

I'm just starting my next OU Module, U216 Environments, which is my first level 2 module, so it promises to be intense.

Im also just starting to use chainsaws at the forestry course so I should be ready to begin taking the industry required certificates of competence in a few weeks, which means hopefully I can get a job as a laborer if nothing else.

On top of this I have been asked to attend the governments Work Program.  I dont mind when I'm not doing anything else, but they have been consistently making the appointments for when I'm not available.

Its not that I dont want to go on these days, its just that I think that I am better served going to college or the Open University day schools as the qualifications will be more help getting a job than the interviews about what I've been doing, and would I like to come in and do an english course.

Anyway, thats what I'm upto at the moment, catch you all soon

Tuesday 1 January 2013

National Memorial Arboretum

On the 17th December, the last day of term we went on a field trip to the national memorial arboretum
Being an Arboriculture student, our tutor group was taken on a field trip today to the national memorial arboretum near litchfield. The idea was to see how trees can be used in a public space.

Well, the whole effect is one of life, yet at the same time revering those that have fallen. Still, there is no denying the sombre feeling I had there.

So to finish I just wanted to post this little poem, for all the, protesters, and other anti government types.  I agree with much of what different people say.  At the same time I strongly believe that the men and women in uniform are doing a difficult job for the country, being told what to do by the government that the people elect.

It is the Soldier, not the minister
Who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the Soldier, not the reporter
Who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the Soldier, not the poet
Who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer
Who has given us freedom to protest.

It is the Soldier, not the lawyer
Who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the Soldier, not the politician
Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the Soldier who salutes the flag,
Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag,
Who allows the protester to burn the flag.