Monday 4 July 2011


Well, I've heard from the social at last, and not for a good reason. Atos Healthcare, who carry out the medical assesments for the DWP sent me a medical questionair the other day, and this is normally a precursor to calling you in for a full blown medical.

This has really got me worried, as last time I had a medical I bearly scraped through, and I've had quite a bit of improvement, though still not enough to return to gainful employment(its not good when you have mood swings and a massive temper in the workplace)

I'm hoping that I can get through, but if not, watch the headlines for a masacre in the workplace!!

On a related note, I've been watching "The Fiary Job Mother" on Chanel 4, mainly as its car crash TV, but I find the woman that is running the varius job clubs to be very patronising at times, although the specimens of humanity she has to deal with on some of the programes is quite an eye opener.

Normally I dont watch this kind of muck, but its quite addictive, I can sort of understand why Big Brother and Celebrity Britains Got the latest pop factor jump start my carrier on ice has so much of a following.

Jerremy Kyle and Gok One are similar as far as I'm concerned, but someone at the gym seems intent on making me watch this tripe, as 50% of the screans are stuck on these. funnily enough, no matter how fast I run or cycle I never manage to get the the TV to turn it off, lol.

Annyway, preparations abound for my pennine way walk, I do the first 4 days worth 14 days from today. Anyway, more later.

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