Monday 16 July 2012

Fed Up

Well, as you know, I'm in the process of studying for a Bsc, not the easyest thing in the world to achieve, but its getting increasingly hard.

Not only do I have to study, and it must be said, study hard, I have to carry the whole fucking house at the same time.

I live with my parents and younger sister, but I am expected to do the housework, keep the garden neet and tidy and and all the other little jobs that need doing.

If I dont, I dont get shouted at, I get sarcasm, and endless complaints addressed at the house in general, but clearly targeted at me as I'm the one that has been in the house all day.

My sister works a part time job, but is out full time hours, I have more than a sneaky suspisioon she is out so long so she does not have to do any housework.

Similarly my father, who is out 8 hours a day, yet left work years ago, I feel its because he just doesnt want to muck in.

But my mum is the worst, most of the time she is cool, but when she is even marginally upset, she has a major tantrum. I cant carry on with this. Dont get me wrong, I love them to bits, but I cant carry on with the atmospher that its creating and get the results I want from studying.

I'm thinking its time i moved out I just cant stand it with the shittyness, yet at the same time I love my folks and dont want to upset them.

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