Thursday 25 March 2010


Well, to start off, I'm new to this I suppose I have too much free time So I'll bore you all silly, but If your reading this I suppose that says something.

I think of myself as a Military Historian, thats a posh way of saying a miniture wargamer, re-enactor, Live Action Role Player and Airsofter.

Miniture wargaming is as old as the ark, with two people facing each other over a table representing some form of battlefield, with figures they have painted and collected. I'll play anything, Sci Fi Fantasy or historical.

Re-enactment wise I have been involved with groups portraying WW2 German panzer units and British Airborne Units, although at the moment I'm on a sabatical from WW2, and re-enacting a Austrailian Infantry man from the vietnam war.

At the moment I play a Stargate larp system as a chatictor called Cpt Troy O'kief, and the Mealstrom system as Balian Hammerfist. Feel free to come and say hello if you see me.

As for airsoft, well, Simplified it is a posh way of playing soldiers in the woods with your friends. It started in the 80's as a few colectors buying Replica BB guns of what items they couldnt get in this country for whatever reason, by the 90's the replicas were getting more sophisticated and able to fire in automatic, and now has quite a cult following.

My main passion though is military history, at the moment it is the Vietnam War that really fills my time, but also includes WW2 and the Peninsular Wars and the ACW.

Well, thats me, more to follow.
Red 6 Actual Out

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