Thursday 25 March 2010

The weekend That was

Well Last weekend was fun, to say the least. I went airsofting on saturday. God knows why, but I turned up to a rain soaked Yorkshire site wearing green shorts and short sleeved shirt, which caused much mirth.

At about Half nine I allowed myself to be persuaded to get changed into my stand by cloths, plain green jungle shirt and trousers.

I was devastated when I chrono'ed my SLR, it hit 390fps, so that went strait back into the car, not to be played with again, or so I thought.

Game on was at around ten, there were some Rules of engagement in play, where one side(Government Forces) could'nt shoot anyone who was un armed, this caused some really class Rope Play by both sides, with accents that bad it was histerical. I remember one lad, who must have been about 14, tried to charge at me with nuthing but a rubber knife, I saw him from the corner of my eye, spun round and Blam, shotgun muzzle strait in his shoulder.

About half an hour before the Lunch break I went back to the car to see if I could tweek the SLR to be a reasonable FPS, Chrono'ed it and bang, 343 +/- 2fps for ten rounds. So game on, I was using it for the rest of the day.

It really was an epic day, had great fun all round, even though half of the rebel team left at dinner.

Sundaystarted out as a good day, well rested from saturday, but got worse.

About 4o'clock I lost it big style at my sister, and emptie a jug of water over her laptop. At the time I was washing the pots, sorting out the washing machine and coocking her tea, all along every 30 seconds nag nag nag.

Normally it would have been fine, just put it to one side to dry for a few days, but the silly sod plugged it into the mains within 30 seconds, so it is well and truely fragged.

I went to the local grave yard and just sat quiet for a bit, went home later and I was a wreck, I calmed down a little and took a couple of slleping pills. That was it, lights out till monday morning.

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