Friday 8 July 2011

Firstly, thanks for all the support, i apreciateit.

I cant seem to post replies to comments, so I'll ay it here.

I'm still browsing the 'net looking at fancy toys I cant afford. £250 for a Vietnam period M16, thats a months money, oh well. This time next year rodney.........

Still about the only thing i can do is walking, although I'm going to go and volenteer for the local council next week.


Monday 4 July 2011


Well, I've heard from the social at last, and not for a good reason. Atos Healthcare, who carry out the medical assesments for the DWP sent me a medical questionair the other day, and this is normally a precursor to calling you in for a full blown medical.

This has really got me worried, as last time I had a medical I bearly scraped through, and I've had quite a bit of improvement, though still not enough to return to gainful employment(its not good when you have mood swings and a massive temper in the workplace)

I'm hoping that I can get through, but if not, watch the headlines for a masacre in the workplace!!

On a related note, I've been watching "The Fiary Job Mother" on Chanel 4, mainly as its car crash TV, but I find the woman that is running the varius job clubs to be very patronising at times, although the specimens of humanity she has to deal with on some of the programes is quite an eye opener.

Normally I dont watch this kind of muck, but its quite addictive, I can sort of understand why Big Brother and Celebrity Britains Got the latest pop factor jump start my carrier on ice has so much of a following.

Jerremy Kyle and Gok One are similar as far as I'm concerned, but someone at the gym seems intent on making me watch this tripe, as 50% of the screans are stuck on these. funnily enough, no matter how fast I run or cycle I never manage to get the the TV to turn it off, lol.

Annyway, preparations abound for my pennine way walk, I do the first 4 days worth 14 days from today. Anyway, more later.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Hello Again

Hello again folks. Thought I'd let you know what I've been upto.

Well, that was 4 months of pretty much nothing. A few courses for the JobCentre, staring longingly at LRP & Airsoft events, then disapointedly at my bank ballance.

I've started walking along the local canal, its nice and quiet at 2 in the morning, giving me something to look forward to every day. And about the only recreation I can do outside as its free.

Thats pretty much all really, sorry I'm being boring.

I have started training to do the pennine way for charity(Combat Stress) in October, and I have plans to do all of the National Trails by October 2012. Give me something to do while the country is being invaded by midget chinese gymnasts. If you'r interested I'm wrighting a blog on my preparations.

Monday 21 February 2011

Out and About

Been out walking quite a bit recently, with a few of the guys I've met on a few of the compulsery courses for the Bennefits people.

Got to say that most of the time I have enjoyed being in the wilds, away from the trappings of meodern life, and just able to relax. This isnt anew thing for me, I've always enjoyed being in the Great Outdoors.

Anyway, one of the guys I've been walking with for a while has just bought himself a GPS unit. Fine in itself, I have no problems with technology, I can see the use of GPS as a tool in conjunction witha Map & Compass, but the bloke cant read a Map.

Yeserday we went out on a walk in the peak district. Having been etrusted with the sole map of the walk I set about guiding the rest of the group. about 2 miles into the walk, he turns round with his GPS in hand and tells the entire group I've got them lost.

He didnt say "I Think" or "Maybe we should have turned off there", he out and out tells everyone I've got them lost. I reach for the map, and my OS map and start tracing out walk since leaving the carpark, at which point I'm told by the rest of the group, "Dont dout the GPS Syd, Its never wrong" wwell, I kept my mouth shut and followed the rest, and he leads us to the midway point of the 9 mile walk, but he did'nt follow the walk, he headed out in a strait line, the same when we left the Toilets and picnic area.

Strait across fences, walls, brooks etc, by which point My back is well and truely killing me, so I stop for a few moments to get some pain killers down me. By the time I have put my ruckack back on, the rest of the group are no where to be seen, they just carried on.

At this point I was well and truely irked, so I dropped off the hill and followed the main road back to the car park, ariving 30 mins before them.

So what pissed me off was, Not Walking at the slowest members speed, Not using Common sense when following the GPS, Not even looking at maps etc to see how we were doing, charging ahead like a bull in a china shop, but then expecting everyone to be happy about waiting while he stopped fo hours to take photos galore. But most of all, the constant "Dig Deep" and "Dont make "X" pissed off" everytime i stopped to check out position on the map, or take a photo I'm not in the army and this isnt a speed march, so why bother saying that?

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Futre Wargaming and Bug hunters

Since I've not been upto much(hence the no updates in the past weeks) I've started building a 25mm force for the Futre War Commander set of rules, using 25mm Gripping beast Marines.

All was going well, ordered the grunts, and all their kit, and in looking for the drop ships, the only one I could find that was any good was the Games workshop Valkyrie. In the traditions of GW, the model should be a double anything anyone with a brain would willingly pay, so I started trawling 2nd hand sites, and found 4 dropshis for about a 3rd of what they would cost new, nice one.

Or not. literally hours after the parcel arrived, I found a close 25mm scale Scotia Grendal copy of the Aliens ship, for the same price. Bugger. Well, since these are in the same county they wont be all that expensive with shipping, so its more next month.

Also from the same place are the APC's, also by scotia, or a close copy as well.

Well, thats the armour taken care of, now the figures. Gripping beast do "Sci Fi Marines" army deal for £25 complete with smart gun (X2), sentry gun(x1), flame throwers(X2), Missile Launcher(X1), troopers(X8), Pilot/APC Crewman(X1), Officer(X1), Trooper with Shotgun(X2) so thats pretty much a section, well I've got two of them coming so along with the 3 APCs & Drop ships thats a formidable force.

Pretty much everything I've allready got from Pendraken in 10 mm, so hopefully I'll be able to field a platoon level force, and a company force.

Anyway, thats all I've been upto recently, so over to you.

Red 36 Actual Out.

Monday 24 January 2011

Bet you thought I'd forgotton

First off, I didnt realise it had been a year. I bet you thought I'd forgot all about the blog did'nt you?

Whats happened since my last update? Well I was found fit to work at a medical in april, and Won an apeal against the descision at the begining of December. So that now means I can get on with the business of re habilitation without the worry of whether or not I will have to get a job. Happily, the doctors have finally refered my to a physio, so hopefully it wont be long now.

I've decided to convert all my Games Workshop Cadians to give them West Wind German heads, and paint them up as Africa Corps, At first it was going to be field grey germans until someone pointed out I might lose posible opponents because of the nazi nature of the army, strange when I dont get any problems finding opponents in flames of war with my swastica festooned german tanks, but hay ho, if thats the feeling at the gaming club.

Reluctantly, I havent been Airsofting since early April, partly due to the money the DWP havent been paying me, The Last Airsoft game I attended was the Airsoft International Tour of Duty game at Elite Action Games near Dorking. I was running arround in my Austrailian Infantry gear, SLR, Greens etc, for the most part with only Tom, who was in an Austrailian SAS loadout, using the superior Range of the SLR to flank the enemy, but occasionally taking part in larger assaults to bolster the firepower of the 3 rifle sections with M16's & M60'. Bloody Yanks.

Although I havent had the money to go airsofting I have been Larping, only once, but its almost enough to contain my lust for excessive violence & gun play. I was crewing the July event for Stargate LRP. I was asked to play a Sheriff, along similar lines to the bloke in the Firefly eppisode "The Train Job", although I decided to play him as a cross between Gene Hunt & Jack Regan. Although much hilarity ensued when a player told a ref he wanted to interogate my prisoner, whithout telling me or the prisoner, leading to me givving him a gene hunt style beating in front of a load of the Stargate Charicters, only for the ref to come back and say "Ok, that didnt happen" Never mind.

Still wanting to go to one of the stargate events organised by the fight school, hopefully this year will be the year for that.

Anyway, more later. Red 36 Out.