Tuesday 1 January 2013

Interview Techniques and "The Game"

Interview techniques and "The Game"

The use of pick up routines, for getting a job.

This is a quick run down of what I did this morning, and an explanation of why. As a first stage interview I was selected to go through to the next round, that's the top 8 applicants out of 40 interviewed and 200 applications.

When I say "The Game", I don't want it to sound like I'm denigrating women, Its the title of one of the books that I have read on picking up women, because like most geeks, I am shockingly poor at talking to women in social settings such as clubs and pubs.

PLAN do your homework, what is the company looking for, what can you offer, how do the two differ? In pick up this would be what are your approaches and counters to snubs.

SMILE First impressions count, and you cannot appear to be miserable or unhappy. Smile not just with your mouth but your eyes as well. Women seldom choose a surly partner, even if you are built like Adonis, interviewers seldom choose miserable applicants because you probably not last long or you may change the mood of the work space.

CONFIDENCE along with smiling this is another key, don't build any barriers with your body language, have squared shoulders and open gestures. DO NOT cross anything in front of your body such as arms, legs, hands. It is a barrier and will be seen as a block to good communication subconsciously.

Tell yourself that you all ready have the job or girl, even if the odds are slim, especially in pick up it is the person with the strongest self reality that will prevail.

When asked why you should be offered the job state why you think you are the most suitable applicant. These two feed off each other, if you do not believe that you are you will have a very hard time persuading the interviewer that you are.

When asked where you see yourself in x years, give them THEIR job title, and then say why that job is ace, similar with a girl, tell her that she could have worn more makeup, but then say that what she is wearing is really nice with her complexion.

That's it really, just to say though that I got through to the next round of interviews in 3 weeks so I will see how my self belief works out then, but it will probably be just enough time for the nerves to set in.

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