Tuesday 1 January 2013

Thoughts on well being

Thoughts on well being. Enjoy.
For quite a while now I have been learning as much about self improvement as I can, and developing my own ideas.

Self improvement is about a great deal more than just reading books on confidence and how to become more attractive to the opposite sex.

My physical appearance requires work, as does my emotional development and my intellectual development.

In order to achieve your full potential you have to feel comfortable and confident in yourself.

Personally I feel that in order for me to fulfill my potential I need to work on my fitness and appearance. Please do not mistake this for vanity. As well as boosting confidence there are obvious benefits of being fitter, such as less likely hood of heart & liver disease, more energy, less risk of joint illnesses for the lower limbs such as Arthritis.

I'm not a fan of Invasive procedures, but if you need to have a gastric band or staples then you should, I have managed to lose weight with exercise and diets, yet I know others are not that lucky, or just have a large amount to lose. Normally these work by restricting the amount of food that will fit in your stomach, therefore lowering you appetite and intake, so that your body burns up its fat reserves instead of the fat in any food.

Tablets. block your bodies ability to digest fats, or raise your metabolic rate so that you use more energy, consequently either eating more or burning the bodies fat reserves, eating more will not help you to lose weight, but if you can ignore the urge to eat the extra food you are craving then you will lose weight.

Diets. These are probably the most common, but also the hardest, method of losing weight. Personally I have only tried the slim fast and Special K diets available commercially, but it is just as effective to plan your meals so that you only eat so many calories per day, and linit the amounts of certain types of food.

Exercise. For me going to the gym, and Climbing/ walking in the peak district are more than just losing weight and keeping it off. The feeling you get when you have finished is great, the endorphins and adrenaline flooding your system make you feel almost euphoric. If you are able I would strongly urge everyone to get more exercise, it doesn't matter what level of fitness you are there will be something that you can do. Just raise your heartbeat so that it is working slightly harder than normal for 30 mins a day 5 days a week and that will be good for a start.

If you do not feel comfortable with any aspect of your appearance such as wearing glasses, or having wonky teeth, change it. Nowadays you can get pretty much anything worked on, for a price. Personally I feel that my glasses and stained teeth make me look less attractive than I have the potential to be, so whitening and Lasek would be in order, but if you are unhappy with any part of yourself, whatever you feel you need changing do it. Even if all that you do is spend half an hour a week under a tanning bed, the boost it gives to you is worth it.

Fitness is only one aspect of overall welbeing, you also have to be mentally agile. Reading, solving puzzles etc are all good traditional ways of honing ones mind, but you can also take up a distance learning course in a subject that interests you, yet you know little about, or you can use one of the many "Brain Training" games, they are even available on phones so you can do it in your lunch break or while you wait for the bus to work.

Confidence is very important, if you have a problem with it try working your way through a few different confidence books, there are literally thousands available, from experience Paul Mc Kenna Books and CD's are good places to start.

Spiritual development. I don't mean that you should grab the first religion that you come across and embrace for no other reason than it is there, what I mean is your inner spirit. Meditation has many forms, Yoga and Tia Chi are forms of meditation just as Buddhist meditation techniques are forms of meditation. Meditation is good for your inner self as it allows your mind to attune to your body in a way that normal life and work does not. Again, start with a few basic books and then visit youe nearest practitioner of the type that appeals to you the most.

Martial arts of any type, even boxercise and body combat, and dieting clubs are good for your health, but they also allow you to meet people with similar goals, depending on the specific club but some have frankly draconian methods of promoting your health, such as the weekly weigh in(These dont show a true reading as your body can vary as much as 4lb naturally, so it wont show a weight loss accurately, and a weight gain can be false AND demoralizing). For this is is the support structure of the others in the class that is the important thing, not the fitness or dieting skills from the course itself.

Oh, and my overall daily regimen consists of a minimum of 3 hour open university courses per day, aprox 4 miles walking the dog, a further hour with self help books of one type or another, varying meditation and personal reflection and family interaction.

  Indulgencecan be a good thing, but if you find that you are spending all your money then this may be a warning sign that you have other issues that you need examining, go and chat with your doctor, the sooner the better.

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