Tuesday 1 January 2013

Year 1 Results

Year 1 Results
The last year has seen many changes to me, I’ve had the results from my first OU Module(Y181, introducing environment),  Finished my first fulltime college course in 15 years (Level 1 Diploma in Environment Conservation with South Nottingham College) and start of the next(Level 2 Diploma in Forestry and Arboriculture with Derby College), and after what has felt like a lifetime my confidence has built back up and I'm out and about on my own.

Christmas week I received the result of my second OU module. I have passed U116, the second module I have taken, and the end of my first year studying.

The module gives a basic history and workings of the environment, though it has left me with a slightly doom filled view of the world we live within. Man’s fate is not separate to that of the rest of the ecosystem, it is tied up with it, so every species we allow to reach extinction is another step closer to our own.

I have also received my certificate for the first years college course, A level 1 Diploma in Environment Conservation, which gives me a good understanding in the practical tasks involved in countryside management.

I've also received my course materials for next year’s OU study, which should lead on nicely from the last year, though I think it will be taxing as I do not have a science/maths background, and apparently it is very science/maths heavy, so I'm getting started NOW.

Being halfway through my second year at college I've also started the application process for this coming September, Countryside management 2 year course, slightly different from the Environment Conservation, and Arboriculture and forestry I have studied last year and this year.

The new subjects studied will be "Understand the Principles and Carry out the Practice of Wildlife Population Surveys and control", the rest of the syllabus is just developing what I've already learnt.
Not too sure what that will involve, but I'm fairly sure it will include trapping &/or poisoning grey squirrels and rabbits, and possibly shooting deer (a problem in this part of the world) and corvids (crows/ Magpies etc) & pigeon’s.

All since last Monday morning, so as you can imagine, all in all a very hectic week, but generally with a positive outlook.


  1. Well done and congratulations. Good luck for the next stage.

  2. Thanks, been very hectic, tho I'm now squeezing the odd bit of time in to keep looking at the blog, and going airsofting again, as I don't have the time to go walking properly, it foots the bill of exercise and outdoors(being in the woods with an AEG is a bonus).
